Anarchy Interview

1. How did you find out about drag?

I found out about drag through the British Pantomime scene and was inspired to do research from there at arounds the age of 7 or 8.

2. What type of drag queen would you say you are?

The type of queen I'd say is odd. I don't really have a box I fit into, I kinda bounce around.

3. Who was the first drag performer you seen live?

The first performer I saw live that I can remember vividly was Tess Tickle and The Dragettes.

4. Did anything hold you back at first from doing drag?

At first a lot held me back. My vision problems, lack of money and confidence, no suitable venues, being underage, having major anxiety and I'm only now just working through these problems.

5. Do you think RuPaul's Drag Race is inspiring a lot of people from different ages to start doing drag?

Oh of course, we have a new range of queens thanks to drag race, myself included.

6. Who or what inspires your style?

I don't really have anything that inspires my style, I kinda just go in the direction my mind takes me.

7. What to you is the most important part of drag (i.e. audience interaction, lipsyncs, moving around etc.)?

The most important aspect of drag for me is feelong safe to do it, I don't mind doing it for free drinks or what style of performances you do just make sure you are safe, being jumped in drag is never a fun experience.

8. How often do you think you should practice doing drag?

You should practice as often as your free time allows.

9. What's the most exciting part of doing drag?

The most exciting part of doing drag for me is passing on tips and tricks I've learned to younger queens.

10. If you could choose the judges on RuPauls Drag Race, who would the judges be?

Judges for drag race hmmm....? I mean Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus and Hilary Duff and complete all the Disney channel originals being on the show aha.


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