Cake Moss Interview
1. You're a dancer, do you put that into your drag performances? Of course I put dance in my drag!!! It's in every number even if I'm doing a ballad! The movement of my hands/face/body/fingertips and lips is all dancing! 2. How long have you been doing drag and dancing for? Drag for almost 8 years, dancing for 17. 3. If you had to give up one of these which would it be, shaving, photoshoots or dancing and why? Photoshoots! Shaving and dancing are necessary to continue doing drag. 4. How would you describe Cake Moss? Cake Moss, as descibed by me, is that bitch. 5. What song should play when you enter a room? Some sort of mix a bitch can STRUT too! 6. How long were you doing drag for before you done your first performance and how did your first performance go? My 2nd time in drag I was competing for coins and a regular place at TigerHeat, and I won my first try! It was amazing! I even had Barbie's addiction as my dancers. 7. If there's on...